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A mug of tea is not desirable
发布:admin 浏览:6979次

Some people like to use a mug of tea, in order to maintain its temperature, but a mug of tea has its drawbacks. Tea is a nutrient rich beverages, tea containing tea polyphenols, tannic acid, aromatic substances, amino acids and vitamins.

When using water in the teapot or ordinary cup of tea, a lot of useful elements dissolved in water, tea produced a sweet smelling, also tea polyphenol and tannin and other ingredients slightly soluble in water, tea slightly refreshing bitterness, can be said to be just perfect. And mug of tea, due to temperature has remained very high, the aromatic substances evaporate rapidly, reduced due to the aroma of tea.

At the same time, the high temperature can make the tea polyphenol and tannic acid leaching too much, make the tea color thick, taste bitter, taste and stuffy. In addition, because the vitamin is not high temperature, long time high temperature will also make it more loss. Therefore, should not use a mug of tea. Similarly, it is not appropriate to drink boiled tea into the pot.

If you want to drink hot tea, available teapot brewing, is a good insulation effect, can make the tea rich is two. Also, the tea is good, then pour tea liquid insulation Cup, so that both can be longer holding time, and can solve a mug of tea deficiencies.